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Online Safety

Please click the link below to report any internet safety concerns.


As part of our curriculum, we teach regular digital literacy and citizenship lessons.  The programme of study can be found on these pages.

Teachers choose activities from each lesson heading to cover each half term.  We also refer to this learning whenever we use online resources in other subjects.  The digital literacy and citizenship lessons cover internet safety, privacy and security, relationships and communication, cyberbullying, digital footprint and reputation, self-image and identity, information literacy and creative credit  and copyright.  

The lessons are age-appropriate and coverage is spread across the school.  Reception children discuss online safety in their class at an appropriate level, led by the teacher when relevant.







Keep engaged with their child’s online activities over the summer holidays by reading the following articles from CEOPS.

Please find the links below which relate to the following themes:

1. Gaming: what parents and carers need to know

Many children will be spending time gaming online over the summer holidays. The article explores the different elements of gaming with a particular focus on how it can be used by offenders, but focusing on what parents can do to support their child while gaming.

2. Sharing pictures of your child online

Lots of parents love sharing photos of their children with friends and family, particularly when they are on holiday or starting the new school year. A recent report found that 42% of young people reported that their parents had done this without asking their permission. The article helps parents to protect their child while staying social. 

3. Keeping your under 5s safe online

Whether it’s watching videos, playing games on their devices or talking to Alexa – today’s under 5s are spending more time online. The article looks at the benefits of children accessing the internet, and share advice about how parents can make sure their child has a safe experience online.

4. Live streaming: responding to the risks

Many children enjoy live streaming as it can be used to showcase talent, develop communication skills and create identity. The article helps parents to understand why children love it, what the risks can be, and how they can help their child stay safe if they are live streaming.

5. Using parental controls

Parental controls are a great tool for helping to protect children but should not replace open and honest conversations with children about their life online. These are tips on how use parental controls effectively.

Gaming: What parents and carers need to know

Sharing pictures of your child online

Keeping your under 5 safe online

Live streaming: responding to the risks

Using parental controls

Have a look at this site for internet safety information for parents. This site warns of potential issues for children and how as parents we can remain aware and vigilant. Try the digital resilience toolkit

Below you can find a link to a child safety on Youtube factsheet.  This is a quick guide to having a sensible overview of what children are able to view online.

Child Safety on Youtube Parent Factsheet

E-safety and online awareness is of great importance growing up today.  As a parent, these are links you can use to find out how to support your children at home.



Think u know


This website offers advice on how to be safe and has suitable fun games and videos for each age group.

Net-aware by NSPCC

This gives guidance about different sites and apps including their minimum age for use.


Online Safety Links for Children

Try this link for the Kidsmart page!


This is a super page on the BBC Children’s site about cyber safety.


And here for the Stay Safe BBC Site


Also see below for an e-safety information sheet to download.

Internet Safety – Stay Safe Fact Sheet



all things arePOSSIBLE